Monday, August 27, 2018

Eager to go!

I love this place (MTC) but I'm so eager to get to the mission field and do the real thing and give people the happiness that we have. I’m soooo excited! I feel prepared to go and do it and teach them the gospel of Jesus Christ. My teaching skills...I'm so terrible. I get so nervous but once in a while I say something good or I share a great testimony. Over all I feel like I could talk to people and make them comfortable about it so I think it's a great start.

To go along with that on Tuesday night we had a devotional and the speaker was Elder D. Todd Christoffersen. He talked about how God is not happy with the way we use the church’s name. He says to not refer to ourselves as Mormons or LDS and to refer to us as... you know what,  he said to tune into General Conference for the specific details about it plus you probably already heard about it so I won’t say any more on that.

Service was a good experience as well. We separated our district and Elder Foster and I got to clean a mass explosions in the toilets. We pulled out what looked like moldy rats out of a drain🤮🤮🤮. And I found a scripture that describes the food in the cafeteria, Jeremiah 4:19... read it and tell me if its not perfect for it. This morning, however, we had waffles, that was good and tasty.

I just finished at the temple. A sister in my district is a convert and joined the church 13 months ago, she had some family names she wanted to do so Elder Foster, Elder Allred and I helped her out with that. I did a baptism, the confirmation, the initiatory and the endowment. It was cool!

Can’t wait to get to Pennsylvania on Wednesday.

Have a great week
Love Elder Hunt

All copper statue of the First Vision at the MTC

Trying to be healthy

One of his roomies, Elder Allred

Monday, August 20, 2018

It's going by so fast

If I’m honest with you my week has actually gone by so fast, but the days go by slow with sitting in class so much. Yeah, I can't believe it’s been almost 2 weeks already. Holy cow it's going by fast.

The food is good.  It's all cafeteria food so that tastes ok.  We played volleyball in the sand as a district and that was really great!

So, here’s something interesting to tell. While doing our service assignment, I broke a tray of dishes and 10 minutes later so did my companion! ðŸ˜³

The devotionals are amazing! Last week we had an Elder from the Quorum of the Seventies come and speak, he was really funny, and his talk was something to remember. He spoke on faith and baptism.

My branch presidents name is President Samuelian. He’s a great guy. All his talks are hilarious. My district is great as we have a district Hymn, its #60 "Battle Hymn of the Republic" I almost have it memorized.  Our district meeting was really powerful this week because everyone shared their testimonies.

Have a great week

Elder Hunt

Package from his friends, Mason and Megan

Cookies from Kayla!

Late evening snack package and treats to share

District Temple Session

"Off to bed..."

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Hello from the MTC

Well... for three days it's been absolutely bazaar and exciting and its 100% worth it.  I love it so far.  On the first day I got to my room put my luggage away and went to my classroom to meet my companion.  His name is Elder Foster and he's pretty great.  He likes all sports except basketball so we play volleyball during gym time.

The second day was long and tiring. I had breakfast at 7am and then class at 8.  Class though was long, entertaining and tiring, but in all, I like it a lot. It's all very spiritual and I can really feel the spirit. I am very grateful for that, to feel the spirit as it roams around and touches people's hearts.  I love it here.  I'm just anxious and excited to get to the mission field. 

The 3rd day was better than the 2nd day.  I'm just glad that the days go by fast but they’re still long enough to enjoy them. Dinner was good.  We had pizza from Papa Johns.  They must have had a long day making enough pizza for 2,500 missionaries to have 3 slices each.

My dorm is on the first floor and there are four Elders in my room.  Elders Allred, Olsen, Foster and me. I get up at 6:20 to beat the shower rush.  

My daily schedule is eat, class, class, eat, class, class, class, eat, class, class, bed.  I'm kidding!  It's really good.  I like my schedule; my favorite part is personal and companion study I get a lot from that.

My favorite part of my days so far is gym time. You have to run it off a bit.  Oh and the freaking chocolate milk here is the best milk I've ever had!! 

My instructors are Brother Ross and Sister Grover and there are 12 missionaries in our district.  I don’t have all their names down yet. I’ve been sleeping OK. Some nights are better than others. No one snores yet. Bonus

I can read emails anytime I receive them as long as I’m not in class.  I just can’t respond until P-day.

Love you all,
Elder Hunt

The District

The only way to eat cereal

Of one my typical daily meals

My comp can solve it too!!

Our dorm room

I'm good!!

(We received the traditional two liner that missionaries send home right after arriving at the MTC to let their parents know they're OK.  Stuart's sounds very similar to Sarah's.  I think feeling overwhelmed at the beginning is the norm)

I’m good.  I got my room and it’s all good.   My companion is Elder Foster and my p-day is on Saturdays and oh my I am so overwhelmed so that’s something.

I’ll talk to you Saturday.

Elder Hunt

Lunch before the drop off

A bitter sweet day!

and he's off...